Building Branch

Officer/Staff Details

Name of Officer (Sh./Smt.) Designation Work Assigned Mobile No. Area (Zones)
Surinder Singh Bindra Municipal Town Planner Approval of residential building plans and NOC, Recommendation of commercial plans and dealing with court cases, RTI, Colonies and other govt references. 7837837837 1,2,3,4,5 &7
Anu Bala Building Inspector Checking of buildings being constructed illegally and in violation of sanctioned plans and issuing notices u/s 269 and 270 and taking action there after. Dealing with residential building plans, NOC and commercial plans. Dealing with court cases, RTI, Colonies and other govt references. 9780795619 6
Manoj Kumar Assistant Town Planner Dealing with residential building plans, NOC and commercial plans. Dealing with court cases, RTI, colonies and other govt references. 9780028472 3 & 8
Jatinder Singh Building Inspector Checking of buildings being constructed illegally and in violation of sanctioned plans and issuing notices u/s 269 and 270 and taking action there after. Dealing with residential building plans, NOC and commercial plans. Dealing with court cases, RTI, Colonies and other govt references. 9814942585 8
Sohan Lal Building Inspector Checking of buildings being constructed illegally and in violation of sanctioned plans and issuing notices u/s 269 and 270 and taking action there after. Dealing with residential building plans, NOC and commercial plans. Dealing with court cases, RTI, Colonies and other govt references. 9988605039 2 & 4
Palwinder Singh Building Inspector Checking of buildings being constructed illegally and in violation of sanctioned plans and issuing notices u/s 269 and 270 and taking action there after. Dealing with residential building plans, NOC and commercial plans. Dealing with court cases, RTI, Colonies and other govt references. 9646044544 7
Akshay Jindal Building Inspector Checking of buildings being constructed illegally and in violation of sanctioned plans and issuing notices u/s 269 and 270 and taking action there after. Dealing with residential building plans, NOC and commercial plans. Dealing with court cases, RTI, Colonies and other govt references. 8146525235 5
Avtar Singh Building Inspector Checking of buildings being constructed illegally and in violation of sanctioned plans and issuing notices u/s 269 and 270 and taking action there after. Dealing with residential building plans, NOC and commercial plans. Dealing with court cases, RTI, Colonies and other govt references. 9780302293 1 & 3
Davinder Pal Sharma Assistant Town Planner Dealing with residential building plans, NOC and commercial plans. Dealing with court cases, RTI, colonies and other govt references. 9988800853 1,2 & 6
Kulwant Singh Head Draughtsman Dealing with residential building plans, NOC and commercial plans. Dealing with court cases, RTI, colonies and other govt references. 9814106739 1,2 & 6
Satish Malhotra Head Draughtsman Dealing with residential building plans, NOC and commercial plans. Dealing with court cases, RTI, colonies and other govt references. 9646031802 4,5 & 7
Daman Preet Singh Head Draughtsman Holding the charge of A.T.P, Dealing with residential building plans, NOC and commercial plans. Dealing with court cases, RTI, Colonies and other govt references. 9855946724 4,5 & 7
Lalit Kumar Clerk Extra Charge of Building Branch 7837663375 1 To 8
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